Not 24 hours after we finished our small mince pies and white wine/cranberry juice mixers (poured enthusiastically by our merry faced tutor) at the annual Wimbledon College costume department christmas "hurray it's over for now!" party, we four unlikely characters embarked on a Scottish mini-adventure...

It was four days of childish glee, running about deserted castle ruins in the rain and getting unceremoniously locked out of our newly adopted home. There were chips without the haggis, the exchange of five quid and under presents around a beautiful yet teetering christmas tree, and soggy tramps across picturesque bogs and lochs.

The mini was driven by and provided very generously by Elizabeth, while the dodgy viking outfits and helmets were courtesy of the Caerlaverock Castle Museum interactive scheme.

All in all, a timely antidote to the end of term stress-shenanigans that always seem to crop up and convert even the sanest of us into red-faced spluttering she-goblins.
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